Creating your Customer Personas – the right way and the wrong way
Do you design your customer personas based on market research? Or consumer actions? Is there a right and wrong way to build customer persons? Read on to find out more.
Do you design your customer personas based on market research? Or consumer actions? Is there a right and wrong way to build customer persons? Read on to find out more.
In this short post we’ll look at why you need to use data change the way you communicate, how you use data and technology to achieve this, and three steps you need to take. When we refer to data-driven marketing we mean using data to “get the right message to the right
To quote the great Mark Ritson (and when I say “great”, I mean my absolute favourite columnist who doesn’t hesitate to say it exactly as it is) “we should not shy away from talking about customers and business in the age of coronavirus.” That’s the theme of this post –
It’s really easy when you’re busy at work, to forget about how you can improve the outcome of your task if you had access to something that’s sitting on someone else’s desk. We often work in silos, with our heads down, and do the things we’ve always done in the
Winners is a tech-neutral consultant – and by that we mean we’ll either help clients understand how to get more from their existing stack or help them identify the right tech for their current state and desired future state. However when it comes to email marketing, if a client has
Seven months on and I continue to hear of #sportsbiz rights owners who were unfortunately advised to send an “opt in” email as a result of the GDPR. These advisors (who were also working in the non-sports industry as the multiple “opt in” emails I received demonstrate) have clearly missed
As some of you may know, I’ve recently written a book – Winning with Data: CRM and Analytics for the Business of Sports – to be published by Routledge in August this year. In the course of securing endorsements from academics and industry executives, Karen Earl, chairman of the European Sponsorship Association
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