Data driven marketing

Where to Start When Tackling a Marketing Automation Project

What do I talk about when I talk about marketing automation? Marketing automation for Dummies.  It’s a truth universally acknowledged that, upon being asked about their objectives, a client will invariably answer “more revenues”.  Let’s not despair: it’s in the darkest hour that we are given the opportunity to rise and shine.  THE

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Data driven marketing

Documenting processes – Why we do it

In the business world, a process is defined as a collection of tasks performed by people or equipment in which a specific sequence produces a service or product for a customer. The output of the process is to accomplish an organizational goal.   While the reasons to have business processes in place find wide agreement in all organizations, documenting them is certainly an

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Data analysis

Data Standards – what are they and why do we need them?

Maintaining data standards is an incredibly important part of your data strategy. It involves keeping your data clean, in the correct format, and verified before you do anything with it. Imagine how important it is to have the correct email address for a fan before sending out any campaigns, or the

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Data driven marketing

Changes In Customer Behaviour

Have you ever been in a conversation, right in the middle of a sentence, when the person you’re talking to looks at their phone, scrolling to see their latest notifications and messages? And what about those smartwatch users who think they’re being discreet, just looking at the time, but their lingering glance lets you know they’re reading an email.

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Sports Business

Winning with Data: 1st Edition vs 2nd Edition

I’ve been asked a few times what the difference is between the first and second edition of Winning with Data but the number one question I’m asked is, “is it worth me reading the second edition if I’ve read the first?

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Data driven marketing


We’ve got our policies in place, we’ve got a handle on where our data is, who has access to it, what quantities we have, and how we’re using it. We’ve documented our processes so should there be a data breach, a customer wants to know what data we have on them, or a fan wants us to know why we’re emailing them, we can deal with the situation with confidence.

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Data driven marketing

9 Steps To Customer Journey Mapping

When we talk about the customer journey, we refer to the different touch points between you and your fans/customers as they go through the process of engaging or transacting with you.

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